Hong-Kong Dismisses Sweden’s Visa Offer After Vegan Proposal
This article is a parody written only for entertainment purposes.
As China moved to further decrease Hong-Kong’s autonomy and rule of law, Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, has put up a scheme that could potentially offer visas to up to 3 million Hong-Kong citizens that would desire to flee the communist regime in early June 2020.
It seems that this move inspired another European nation known for its attachment to human rights and CO2 fight: Sweden.
Similarly, the Kingdom decided to allow not 3 million, but all citizens with a Hong-Kong passport to apply and receive a residency card that could, after living 5 years in the country and learning the Swedish language, lead to Swedish citizenship.
While Sweden’s offer is much more generous regarding the number of citizens that could benefit from the scheme, it comes at a certain cost. “Sweden is aware that Hong-Kong’s citizens are the biggest meat consumers in the world, said Elsa Andersson, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
As such, the only condition we ask anyone from Hong-Kong that wishes to apply for a residency card is to give up animal products altogether. No meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy”.
Sweden, a leading nation in the combat of climate change, has taken important steps to decrease CO2 emissions. Some of these steps concern the complete surrender of meat to decrease pollution and increase citizens’ health, lifespan, and overall happiness.
“All school restaurants will from the 1st September 2020, be 100% vegan. We have already noticed a significant IQ increase in our students and better concentration capacities.
Overall, students declared they also felt happier”, declared the Ministry of Education. Sweden has therefore all the material and scientific proof that meat is not healthy for humans, and that a plant-based diet is simply best.
The country believes in veggies and fruits to such an extent that it made veganism a requirement for Hong-Kong citizens wishing to move to Sweden.
This move has surprised many in Hong-Kong. “I’d rather live in North-Korea than being vegan”, said Li Yung, a financial analyst. “They say meat is not good, but why does Hong-Kong have the highest life expectancy while being the biggest meat consumer then?” asked Changying Yung, a doctor in psychology.
While she did consider moving to Sweden at first, she directly changed her mind when she learned she’d have to give up meat. “I’d rather live in a Chinese-ruled Hong-Kong eating meat, than in a vegan democracy eating spinach and soy”, she said.
A survey carried on by the South China Morning Post revealed that after its proposal, Sweden’s favorable opinion went from 83% to…9%. “Going from a system where we can’t say what we want to a system where we can’t eat what we want is trading a headache for a stomachache”, said another citizen that preferred to remain anonymous.
Overall, Sweden’s good intentions did not manage to convince Hong-Kong citizens. Luckily, the possibility to go to Britain still applies, and while British food is not especially renowned, eating meat won’t be a problem in the UK.
Photo credits: Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash