3 Health Advice No One Will Tell You About Because They Don’t Make Any Money
The advice written below is for entertainment purposes only. Always consult a licensed practitioner before taking any type of initiative towards your health.
Health is one of the most profitable business sectors in the world. Think about it. There are always sick people, and most governments buy them medicines. This results in an industry with constant customers that always have money to spend.
As such, social security has made pharmaceuticals companies rich and will continue to do so – unless we start taking care of our own health preventively.
Most conditions suffered by humans beings are preventable (I’d say in fact that they are induced by modernity). After all, we thrived in the wild for 300 000 years without the need of a doctor or a pill.
We were much stronger, much happier and life was much nicer.
Studying history has made me really cautious regarding medicines. Medicines merely fix the consequences of a condition. They don’t attack the root of it. Let’s take obesity as an example.
Nobody wakes up fat.
People become fat when they consume more energy than they burn off. Obesity is avoidable and treated with a diet restricting carbs, and a lifestyle that includes exercise.
That’s it. It is no more complicated than that. There are no such things as genetics or gut flora “problems” being the cause of obesity. Fat cannot materialize in your body. The only way it gets there is through your mouth. If you change your diet, you will lose weight, in about 100% of cases.
If it’s that easy though, why are there still so many fat people?
Because diets don’t make money. What makes money is the medicine companies sell to fat patients. When a medical practitioner attempts to educate people on the cause of their condition instead of advertising for medicines, they get censored on social media, criticized, and even sometimes, barred from practicing.
The economy does not want you to be healthy. We live in a society ready to give anti-depressants, ADHD medicines, cholesterol pills, and other substances the body wasn’t built to receive to anyone, at any time of the day.
We are happy to fix people’s problems – but no one tells them what the cause of the problem was in the first place. And no one ever will.
If people encountered fewer health problems, pharmaceuticals companies would make less money.
This is quite sad because the money that goes to these companies could go instead towards education and infrastructures where it would benefit citizens directly.
As such, taking care of your own health is not an individual responsibility – it is a collective responsibility.
Find out below three health pieces of advice no one will ever tell you about because they don’t make any money.
While a lack of food may be beneficial, a lack of sleep appears to have no benefits. It weakens the immune system, increases chances of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, makes people less patient, more dishonest, angrier, more violent, less able to focus, prone to depression and includes thousands of other harming effects for the body and mind.
Sleeping more has shown to decrease depression, help build muscle, help kids at school, help the brain retain information, help lose weight, help the body repair itself, and has shown to have hundreds of other benefits.
The problem, however, is that sleeping does not make any money. Companies will try to persuade you you cannot sleep and sell medicins to help you out, but these have shown to decrease sleep quality, making you more tired and encouraging you to keep on consuming the sleep medicine thereof.
So, avoid sleep medicines. There are other ways to fall asleep safe and sound every night.
Cool off your body before getting in bed, restrict screen time, wear blue light blocking glasses, meditate, read, turn off the light, listen to music or a podcast, practice mindfulness, write down your thoughts…and sleep.
Your health, wealth, and happiness will only benefit from it.
Don’t Eat Carbs
This one is not popular yet, but the tremendous empirical effects of ketogenic and carnivore diets will surely make it mainstream in a couple of years.
Sugar is the most widely addictive distributed legal drug in the world. No need to highlight all the negative effects sugar has on the body: it makes you gain weight, increases blood pressure, fosters depression, worsens every mental condition you could think of, feeds primarily cancer cells, increases cholesterol, prevents regenerative sleep, decreases nutrient absorption, makes people angry and agitated, worsens kidney functions, triggers acne, increases aging process, drains energy, leads to fatty liver and more.
The opponent of the ketogenic diet will tell you “true, but the body needs sugar to work nonetheless”. And that is correct.
However, while the body needs sugar, it does not need to eat it since the liver can synthesize it when needed.
This is why your body needs zero sugar from your food and why zero-carb diets like the carnivore diet work.
The only problem is that avoiding carbs does not only make no money – it costs money…to the companies that profit from your health problems.
People that don’t eat carbs are much healthier and happier, which makes them less prone to buying medicine. They have lower chances to develop cancer or other diseases in the future, don’t have any organ nor cholesterol issues, and can therefore spend their money on other stuff than medicines.
Less spending means fewer taxes. This is why the government is telling you to eat “5 fruits and vegetables per day” instead of telling you “not to eat sugar”.
One entices consumption while the other one doesn’t.
If you want a long, happy, and healthy life, don’t eat carbs.
Be Social
That one was a no-brainer prior to the invention of screens, then computers. People were working together, then went home to their family. They weren’t typing on computers all day. To entertain themselves, they were going to the bar or the park. Not to the cinema, or the Xbox.
The only people they were talking to were those in their direct eyesight. Not the one on the other side of their phone.
Being social is as good for health as loneliness is detrimental to it.
Studies have revealed that lonely people died sooner, increased the risk of dementia by 50%, increased risk of stroke and heart disease by 30%, increased chances of suicide, increased stress and anxiety, and overall increased the number of visits to hospitals and doctors.
As such, the best cure to mental health conditions and depression in general, which have exploded since the emergence of technology in our lives, may simply be to swap the screen for real humans.
The only problem is that it’s not making any money while consuming content on a screen is. Social media and other Internet companies quickly understood that, and developed tools to glue people on their screen as much as possible.
Screen consumption worsens the mental and physical condition, which triggers the consumption of medicine, and the whole cycle feeds on itself in a vicious circle.
If you want to take care of your mental health primarily, quit the screen and go meet your friends. We are social animals. Other people are what we were made for.
The Bottom Line
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.
Any company will always be happy to sell you a complicated and expensive solution while most of the time, there is another one free and much simpler.
When it comes to health, most conditions can be easily avoided by practicing a healthy lifestyle.
I like to say happiness rests on four pillars: sleep, diet, exercise, and social relationships.
If you got these 4 in order, you have nothing to worry about.
For more health content, head to bornmillennials.com.
“Why we sleep”, by Matthew Walker
“Genius Food” by Max Lugavere.